My Rabbit Mini Rex Broken Had All Pink Skinned Babies What Color Will They Be

Rex rabbits are the largest domesticated rabbits in the world. The name Rex means King, and they were first seen in the South of France and came to America in the mid-1920s. If you have been thinking about purchasing one of these animals and are wondering what color varieties, they are available in, you've come to the right place. We will go over each of the color varieties and tell you about each one as we go. We'll also include images so you can see what each one looks like.


19 Rex Rabbit Colors

1. Amber

amber rex rabbit
Image Credit: Diana Sklarova, Shutterstock

The Amber color is the latest color to be included amongst the Rex varieties since October of 2007. It has a reddish-brown color with a grey undercover. Its belly is white or grey, and it can have ruby-red eyes or the standard brown.

2. Black

black rex rabbit
Image Credit: dwi putra stock, Shutterstock

Black is one of the more striking varieties of the Rex breed. It has a dark, even color that runs almost to the skin.  It usually has brown eyes but can have ruby-red on occasion.

3. Blue

two blue rex rabbits
Image Credit: SeraphP, Shutterstock

Blue is another darker color that runs deep toward the skin. It will have guard hairs that are the same color, and its belly can be white or grey. Blue rabbits tend to have brown eyes that are slightly lighter than those of the black and amber Rex rabbits.

4. Broken

two broken rex rabbits
Image Credit: Kassia Marie Ott, Shutterstock

Broken is more of a pattern, and it refers to how the color breaks up over the body. It usually consists of any of the recognized colors and white. It can also be white with two color combinations, including black and orange, blue and fawn, brown and orange, grey and fawn, etc.

5. Californian

The Californian Rex is pure white except for coloring on the ears, tips of its nose, and a little color on its hind paws. Like with the broken pattern, the colors on the ears can be any of the standard colors. It usually has red eyes due to the albino gene that makes most of the body white.

6. Caster

castor rex rabbit
Image Credit: HolySource, Shutterstock

Caster is the original color of the Rex rabbit, and its original name was the Caster Rex, but after introducing new colors, it was called the Rex. The Caster color is quite similar to the color of a beaver. Beaver was a highly sought-after fur when they introduced the Rex, hoping that they would have a cheaper substitute.

7. Chinchilla

The Chinchilla Rex color resembles that of a real chinchilla and is where it gets its name. The Hair has three colors with a dark base, light middle, and black band at the tip, giving the animal a smokey appearance. The eyes are often a dark brown.

8. Chocolate

chocolate rex rabbit
Image Credit: Zillmann Reka Imola, Shutterstock

As the name suggests, the Chocolate Rex is a brown color that runs deep toward the skin and is uniform over the entire body. It usually has lighter brown eyes than found on the black or Chinchilla Rex rabbits, and it can also have red eyes.

9. Lilac

lilac rex rabbit
Image Credit: HolySource, Shutterstock

Lilac Rex rabbits have an even dove grey hair that runs deep toward the skin and remains consistent over the body. It can have dark brown eyes, but it's more common to find this color accompanied by ruby red eyes.

10. Lynx

The Lynx Rex is another rabbit with triband hair. It has a lightly colored center ring that gives the rabbit a smokey appearance and a lilac tipped ring that makes it look similar to the Lilac Rex at a glance. While the Lynx can have ruby-red eyes, they are usually brown.

11. Opal

The Opal Rex has a deep blue fur on its back that transitions to a lighter white or tan belly area. You can also see the lighter color around the eyes and often on the tail.

12. Otter

otter rex rabbit
Image Credit: Marcuzioart, Shutterstock

The Otter Rex is another rabbit with a striking color pattern that keeps most of the rabbit a dark black, but its underbelly, ears, and around the eyes has a much lighter white or fawn color that works well to highlight it.

13. Blue Otter

The Blue Otter is another recent color created due to the popularity of the standard Otter color. This breed uses lighter blue hues to create a rabbit that isn't so dark and has a bit more of a shine. It has the same light-colored highlights around the eyes and on the rabbit's underside and tends to have slightly lighter colored brown eyes.

14. Chocolate Otter

chocolate otter rex rabbit
Image Credit: Medvedev Andrey, Shutterstock

The Chocolate Otter is the third breed to use this unique Otter pattern. This species trades the blue and the black for a dark brown color. This rabbit also has light-colored highlights around the eyes, nostrils, and other parts of the body.

15. Lilac Otter

The Lilac Otter is the last breed in the Otter group that has a similar pattern. This rabbit is the lightest colored in the group with its light grey coloring, and it can be a little more challenging to see the highlights around the eyes, but it's still easy to notice on the belly area.

16. Red

red rex rabbit
Image Credit: Medvedev Andrey, Shutterstock

Red Rex rabbits have a deep red coloring that runs almost to the skin, giving them a fox-like appearance. It should not have any shading but should be one continuous color except around the belly area, where it often turns to white.

17. Sable

sable point rex rabbit
Image Credit: Hayball, Shutterstock

The Sable Rex is another pattern more than it is a color. This rabbit has a dark sepia brown fur over most of its body that transforms to a darker chestnut color on the face, ears, and legs. The belly area will often be the same sepia brown covering the body, and it usually has dark brown eyes.

18. Seal

The seal is another pattern that is similar to the Sable Rex but opposite. With the seal pattern, the colors become slightly lighter on the face, ears, and legs. The Seal Rex is usually very dark black with only slightly lighter fur in the accenting areas, and you may only notice It if it's standing next to a Black Rex.

19. White

white rex rabbit
Image Credit: Eric Isselee, Shutterstock

White is the final color available on the Rex breed, and it's the result of albinism. These rabbits will have no color on their body besides white, and they will have red eyes. You will need to shield these rabbits from sunlight, and they will prefer darker areas of the home.



As you can see, there are quite a few different varieties of the Rex breed, and you should be able to get one in your favorite color. We recommend avoiding rabbits with the albino gene if this will be your first rabbit because they require a little more care. You will need to keep them out of the sunlight, and they also tend to be a little shyer than other rabbits, which can be confusing and off-putting to new owners. Otherwise, the Rex is a friendly breed that enjoys humans' company and will make a good pet in any color.

We hope you have enjoyed reading and were able to find your favorite color among the ones we have listed. If you didn't know you could choose between so many colors, please share this guide to the 19 Rex rabbit colors and patterns on Facebook and Twitter.

Featured Image Credit: dwi putra stock, Shutterstock


  • 19 Rex Rabbit Colors
    • 1. Amber
    • 2. Black
    • 3. Blue
    • 4. Broken
    • 5. Californian
    • 6. Caster
    • 7. Chinchilla
    • 8. Chocolate
    • 9. Lilac
    • 10. Lynx
    • 11. Opal
    • 12. Otter
    • 13. Blue Otter
    • 14. Chocolate Otter
    • 15. Lilac Otter
    • 16. Red
    • 17. Sable
    • 18. Seal
    • 19. White
  • Summary
    • Related

My Rabbit Mini Rex Broken Had All Pink Skinned Babies What Color Will They Be


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