Snuggle Up in My Favorite Chair With a Blanket and Hot Cup of Coffee and Read

Prizes and samples provided past Carole P. Roman
The Children'south Book Review | Jan eight, 2018

Information technology'due south time to snuggle up and read with a hot cup of cocoa!
Enter for a chance to win a snuggly prize pack that includes autographed copies of 3 picture books from bestselling writer Carole P. Roman.

I (i) chiliad prize winner receives:

  • A signed copy ofRocket-Bye
  • A signed copy ofCan a Princess Exist a Firefighter?
  • A signed copy ofI to Ten
  • A blanket with plush fox
  • Two mugs
  • A box of hot cocoa

Age Range: 3-eight

Giveaway begins January 8, 2018 at 12:01 A.M. MT and ends February 8, 2018, at 11:59 P.Thousand. MT.

Rocket-Bye by Carole P Roman Rocket-Farewell

Written by Carole P. Roman

Illustrated by Mateya Arkova

Carole P. Roman travels to the stars, orbiting the moon and rocketing past planets in this adorable journey to the far reaches of the milky way. A beautiful bedtime poem, this poetry is sure to delight any child before they go to sleep.

"Just every bit the text and illustrations gently curve and sweep across the pages, so practice the calming and effortless rhymes in what could be Carole P. Roman's finest volume even so. "—The Children's Book Review

Ages 3-7 | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform | 2016 | 978-1530243372

Bachelor Here:

Can a Princess Be a Firefighter? Carole P Roman Tin A Princess Be A Firefighter?

Written by Carole P. Roman

Illustrated by Mateya Arkova

Two petty girls pepper their father with questions about whether or non they can be a profession and still exist a princess. Motivated by her granddaughter's fascination with all things 'princess,' Carole P. Roman penned this ambrosial poem celebrating all the wonderful possibilities waiting alee for them.

"Can a Princess Be a Fireman? is an of import must-read for both girls and boys."—The Children'southward Book Review

Ages 3-7 | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform | 2016 | 978-1530361847

Bachelor Hither:

one-to-ten-squirrels-bad-dayAne To Ten: Squirrel's Bad Day

Written by Carole P. Roman

Illustrations past Mateya Arkova

Squirrel is running forth a tree limb when she trips, losing all her acorns into the rushing water of the river beneath. Angry and frustrated, she doesn't know what to do. Her adept friend, Rabbit, lends both a sympathetic ear likewise equally a solution. Rather than get angry, Rabbit tells her, charge per unit the trouble on a scale of one-to-ten. By identifying and realizing the true importance of the event, the issue may not seem so overwhelming. Adorable forest creatures help the deplorable squirrel put everything into perspective so he does not to get stuck in a rut over something that may not be a large deal after all.

"Also as being a story with likable characters, Roman'south book can exist used equally a tool to aid in conversations virtually difficult situations and as well to help soothe the minds of immature worriers. Highly Recommended."—The Children's Book Review

Ages 4-viii | Publisher: CreateSpace Contained Publishing Platform | 2016 | 978-1539590668

Available Here:

Most Carole P. Roman

Carole P. Roman

Carole P. Roman

Carole P. Roman is the award winning author of the nonfiction series of children's books, If Y'all Were Me and Lived in … . The first title in the collection, If You Were Me and Lived in…Mexico, won the Pinnacle Honor for All-time in Children's Nonfiction in 2012. If You Were Me and Lived in…Russia and If You lot Were Me and Lived in…French republic were finalists in the Indie Fab Foreword Review Book of the Year. Norway and South Korea accept also been named as Book of the Year with Rebecca'southward Reads and Children's Reader'due south View Book of the Twelvemonth. Roman has also constitute success with her Helm No Bristles children's books. Her debut, Helm No Beard: An Imaginary Tale of a Pirate's Life, was named a Kirkus All-time of 2012, received a Star of Exceptional Merit, and won the Superlative Accolade in 2012. Roman lives on Long Island with her husband and very nigh her children. | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest

How to Enter

  • Fill out the required fields in the form beneath. It may have a moment to load.
  • You tin can likewise gain bonus daily entries.

Giveaway Rules

  • Enter between 12:00 AM Mounatin Fourth dimension on Jan 8, 2018 and 11:59 PM on February 8, 2018.
  • Open to residents of the l Us and the District of Columbia who are 13 and older.
  • Winners will be selected at random on or about February 12, 2018.
  • Odds of winning depend on number of eligible entries received. Void where prohibited or restricted past police force.
  • The Children'southward Volume Review is not responsible for prize fulfillment.
Prizes courtesy of Carole P. Roman

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Thank you for inbound the Snuggle Up and Read Motion picture Book Prize Pack book giveaway. Check out our sweepstakes page to encounter what other free children'south books may be up for grabs!

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Bianca Schulze is the founder of The Children'south Book Review. She is a reader, reviewer, mother and children's book lover. She likewise has a decade's worth of experience working with children in the corking outdoors. Combined with her love of books and experience equally a children'southward specialist bookseller, the goal is to share her passion for children's literature to grow readers. Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, she at present lives with her hubby and three children near Boulder, Colorado.


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